nutrition programming

eat like your ancestors

For ~ 99.96% of human history, we spent considerable amounts of energy hunting, gathering, processing, and sharing nutrient-rich foods. Today, food is nutrient-poor and easy to find, often leading to the simultaneous issues of malnutrition and metabolic disease.

The Two Foot Nutrition Program is an intensive 1-on-1 program designed to educate, establish manageable goals (lean mass, fat loss, sleep improvement, energy improvement, etc.) and establish sustainable methods of accomplishing said goals with professional guidance.

TWOFOOT nutrition program

  • Stage 1: Initial in-person or remote consultation to discuss goals, challenges, and explanation of the process. 

  • Stage 2: Onboarding: 48-hour food journal, usual intake, and health history to depict current nutrition and eating habits. 

  • Stage 3: In-person or remote crash course through Two Foot Training workbook/ education in the principles of nutrition and human metabolism.  

  • Stage 4: Custom Rx/ plan based on intake information, metrics, and goals. 

  • Stage 5: Follow-up check-ins to collaborate, reevaluate, and maintain understanding and accountability.

"I started out with a fear of food because I wasn’t sure what I was doing when trying to eat better. Things that worked for me in my 20’s/ 30s no longer worked me in my late 40s. After my time with Jameson, I have a better handle on my diet. I feel armed and ready for success, while already losing 15 lbs. Knowledge is everything and now I have an improved relationship with food. Most importantly, I feel better and my workouts have greatly improved. If you need a coach, try this program out."

-Mauro G.

"I have done many nutrition plans before, and I believe this one worked best because Jameson teaches you small ways to improve your eating habits. The small changes he helped me make have improved my sleep, nutrition, and overall energy. The knowledge I gained has allowed me to continue the program long after we finished working together."

-Anna B.

"Jameson has an incredible holistic knowledge about nutrition, which he shared during the program. The sessions were very customized and Jameson gave me the tools to be able to reach my personal goals. I love that I will be able to continue the journey myself post this program because Jameson has given me the understanding of what nutrition my body needs."

-Jana K.

"Jameson has really opened my eyes to a whole new level of thinking around food and nutrition. His knowledge is incredibly deep in this space and his passion really shows in his work and support. He shows the same high level of care and passion in his training. Grateful to have met him and have his support!"

-Tahnee S.

"Jameson is incredibly knowledgeable. The new ideas that he offered helped me change some of my deeply rooted fundamentals that had been misguiding my nutrition. His approach to personal training is similar. Each session would challenge me in new ways but it was never too much. Thoroughly enjoyed experiencing a small six month sample of Jameson's vast knowledge."

-Jocelyn C.

"I’m very grateful for all I learned during my program with Jameson. He was (and still is) always available and willing to answer any questions I had and provide specific recommendations based on my personal goals. Not only have I lost weight and body fat because of this program but I feel empowered to continue to make better choices that keep me trending in the direction I want! Thanks, Jamo!"

-Anna W.